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on December 4, 2020

Calendarios mensuales

December 4th, 2020

High-level meeting of the EU "Towards an inclusive and sustainable model for recovery: The Social and Solidarity Economy as a key agent".

Conference with high-level institutional representatives, who focus their analysis on the situation of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the European Union and its contribution to the recovery and exit from the crisis towards a better situation.

Among other participants, there are Nicolas Schmit, the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Ángel Gurría, Secretary General of the OECD and Yolanda Díaz, Minister of Labour and Social Economy of Spain, as well as ministerial representatives of EU Member States, European Parliament, ILO, European Economic and Social Committee and representatives of the Social Economy sector.

During the day, the Toledo declaration "The Social and Solidarity Economy as a key agent for an inclusive and sustainable future" is signed, which urges all Member States, as well as European and international institutions and organizations, to increase visibility and recognition of the social and solidarity economy through public policies, plans and concrete actions; to promote the economic, social and environmental development model that embodies the social and solidarity economy; to support the generation of ecosystems favourable to the social and solidarity economy; to guarantee the financial support necessary for the consolidation of a viable and sustainable social and solidarity economy; to strengthen the recognition of the social and solidarity economy as an essential agent for a sustainable, equal and fair recovery from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; to contribute to the international dissemination of the social and solidarity economy and to generate and maintain mechanisms of cooperation and high-level dialogue to coordinate actions to support the social and solidarity economy.

December 4th, 2020

Meeting of the monitoring committee of the Luxembourg declaration

The 2nd meeting of the monitoring committee of the Luxembourg declaration under the Spanish presidency is held on a date commemorating the fifth anniversary of the signing of this declaration. There are ministerial representatives from EU Member States, the European Commission, the European Parliament, ILO, OECD and the European Economic and Social Committee. At the meeting, special attention is paid to the use of European funds for recovery by companies in the Social Economy.

The Spanish presidency will be replaced by Portugal in 2021