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on December 15, 2020

Calendarios mensuales

December 15th, 2020

Board of Directors of the Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES)

Meeting of the Board of directors of CEPES, the representative business organization of the social economy in Spain, which represents the interests of Cooperatives, Labour Societies (enterprises participated by workers), Mutual Societies, Social Integration Enterprises, Special Employment Centres (companies devoted to the labour insertion of people with disabilities), Fishermen's Guilds and Associations of the Sector of disability.

December 15th, 2020

Conference "The values of Social Responsibility in Education"

Conference organized by the Spanish Union of Teaching Cooperatives (UECoE), open to the general public and aimed at the management and teaching staff of Teaching Cooperatives, Social Economy educational centres and other interested training centres and, especially, teachers from centres who want to deepen on Social Responsibility and sustainability within the educational system, lead other colleagues in the dissemination and implementation in the classroom and learn about pedagogical experiences in this regard, as well as the importance of making Sustainability Reports.