Ministry of Labour and Social EconomyQuejas y Sugerencias. Ministry of Labour and Social Economy

Quejas y Sugerencias

Chapter IV of Royal Decree 951/2005, of 29 July which establishes the general framework for quality improvement in the General State Administration, includes the complaints and suggestions programme, which establishes that the bodies and agencies of the General State Administration must offer citizens the means to submit complaints and suggestions to them.


  • Through this procedure, citizens may submit any complaints, initiatives and/or suggestions they deem appropriate regarding the functioning of the Ministry's Units.
  • Under no circumstances will the complaints made have the status of an administrative appeal, nor will their lodging paralyse the deadlines established in the regulations in force.
  • The filing of a complaint does not in any way condition the exercise of the other actions or rights that, in accordance with the regulations governing each procedure, may be exercised by those who appear in it as interested parties.

Who can submit it

  • All citizens who consider it appropriate, by filling in the form for this purpose, or by means of a written complaint or suggestion, to record their dissatisfaction with the services provided and also the initiatives or suggestions they consider appropriate for the improvement of the services under the responsibility of the Department.

Responsible unit

  • The unit affected by the complaint or suggestion.

Deadline for reply

  • The unit concerned shall inform the citizen within 20 days, after any clarifications it deems appropriate to obtain from the citizen, of the actions taken and the measures, if any, adopted. If no reply has been received by the deadline, the interested party may contact the Sub. Gral. de Recursos Humanos e Inspección General de Servicios, or the corresponding Sectorial (Service Inspection of the Public State Employment Service) in order to find out the reasons for the lack of reply and to demand appropriate accountability.

Submission Forms

In person or by post

  • By filling in the complaints and suggestions form that can be downloaded from this page (for subsequent presentation in person or by post), which is also available at the General and Auxiliary registries for the reception or dispatch of documents and, in any case, at the information and citizen services offices, both in Central and Peripheral Services of the Department.
  • By means of a written document signed by the interested party, setting out the object of the complaint or suggestion, stating their name and surname(s), telephone number, address and, where appropriate, e-mail address so that a reply can be sent to them, if they so indicate.
  • Both the form and the letter can be submitted at any public registry or citizens' advice bureau.
  • In the form included in this section, once clicked, you can obtain as many blank copies as you wish to fill in manually, or write in the required data and then obtain the desired number of copies (it is recommended that you obtain two copies so that one of them can be stamped at the submission office).

Complaints and Suggestions Form

By telematic means (with digital certificate)

  • Through the Ministry's Central Electronic Headquarters by accessing the Complaints and Suggestions procedure.
  • For matters related to the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and the Wage Guarantee Fund (FOGASA), you should contact the electronic offices of these bodies:
  • You can submit your suggestion or complaint electronically by completing the form accessible from this page. You will be asked to identify yourself and digitally sign its content in accordance with the requirements established for access to the E-Office.
  • If you choose postal mail or e-mail as the means of reply on the form, the unit responsible for managing and responding to the complaint will reply by the means chosen.