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Gender Equality

  • Aid to small and medium-sized companies and other entities for the development and implementation of equality plans, corresponding to the year 2017.
  • Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, proclaims equality before the law, establishing the prohibition of any discrimination on the basis of sex
  • The adoption of Order PRE/525/2005 of 7 March, publicizing the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of 4 March 2005 adopting measures to promote equality between women and men, sets out actions that contribute to reducing inequality in all areas of daily life: employment, business, reconciliation of work and family life, research, solidarity, sport, gender violence, etc.
  • Order APU/526/2005, of 7 March, which disposes the publication of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of 4 March 2005 approving the Plan for Gender Equality in the General Administration of the State, establishes a set of measures to eliminate existing obstacles and ensure real equality of opportunities between men and women in the access to and performance of public service.
  • Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, on the effective equality of women and men, is committed to implementing active policies that, in a comprehensive and coordinated manner, remove obstacles that prevent or hinder gender equality in Spanish society.
    • In compliance with article 77 of the aforementioned Organic Law 3/2007, one of its governing bodies is entrusted with carrying out the functions related to the principle of equality between women and men in the field of matters within its competence.
  • By agreement of the Council of Ministers of 27 April 2007 the governing bodies of the different ministerial departments that will carry out the functions of the Equality Units provided for in the aforementioned Organic Law 3/2007 are determined. In our department, the Technical General Secretariat was entrusted with carrying out these functions.
  • By agreement of the Council of Ministers of 14 December 2007 the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities 2008-2011 was approved. The Plan is inspired by two principles: non-discrimination and equality, and develops four guiding principles: the redefinition of the citizenship model, the empowerment of women, the mainstreaming of the gender perspective, and scientific and technological innovation.
  • The resolution of 20 May 2011, of the Secretary of State for the Civil Service, publishing the agreement of the Council of Ministers of 28 January 2011 approving the First Plan of Equality between Women and Men in the General Administration of the State and its Autonomous Bodies has implemented article 64 of the reiterated Organic Law 3/2007 which establishes that the Government will adopt, at the beginning of each legislature, a Plan for Equality between women and men that will establish the objectives to be achieved in the area of promoting equal treatment and opportunities in public employment, as well as the strategies or measures to be adopted to achieve it.
  • The resolution of 28 July 2011, of the Secretary of State for the Civil Service, approving the agreement of 27 July 2011 of the General Negotiating Committee of the General Administration of the State on the Protocol on action against Sexual harassment and for gender-based harassment reasons by the General Administration of the State and the Public Bodies associated with it. Article 62 of Organic Law 3/2007 establishes that public administrations shall negotiate with the legal representation of workers a protocol of action that shall include, among other principles, the commitment of the General State Administration and the public bodies linked to or dependent on it to prevent and not tolerate sexual harassment and gender-based harassment.

Gender Equality in the Ministry of Employment and Social Security

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