Ministry of Labour and Social EconomyCollective Bargaining Map. Ministry of Labour and Social Economy

Imagen temática

Collective Bargaining Map


  • This tool will provide the user with GUIDANCE INFORMATION ON THE POSSIBLE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT THAT MAY APPLY to a given company according to its MAIN ACTIVITY, in relation to the NACE codes associated with it and the functional scope of each collective agreement.
  • The information provided is for GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. If you wish, you can make a formal consultation with the existing state advisory bodies (CCNCC) or autonomous authorities, through established procedures.
  • The economic activities associated with each agreement have been determined by assigning CNAE codes to the functional scope of each convention:
    • The CNAE codes assigned to The CNAE codes assigned to COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS APPEARING IN BLUE are those declared by the negotiating committees themselves in REGCON.
    • The CNAE codes assigned to COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS APPEARING IN ORANGE have been determined by the technical services of the CCNCC, being a purely indicative criterion (see section "other documentation of interest").

To enter the Collective Bargaining Map click on the following images:

Acceso a MAPA de la negociación colectiva: Busqueda simple | Acceso a MAPA de la negociación colectiva: Búsqueda avanzada


Documentation of interest

Comisión Consultiva Nacional de Convenios Colectivos

C/Alberto Aguilera, 15 Dupl. 1º - 28015 Madrid

Tfno.: 91 758 05 61 - Fax: 91 547 73 10

Correo electrónico:

Código DIR3: EA0021365