The Internet domain is owned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy.
The Ministry informs that the access and use of the website and all its subdomains and directories (hereinafter, jointly referred to as the Web Portal), as well as the services and contents that can be accessed through it, are subject to the terms described in this Legal Notice, notwithstanding that access to some of these services and contents may require acceptance of Additional General Conditions.
Therefore, if you do not agree with the considerations detailed in this Legal Notice, you are requested not to use this Web Portal, given that any use being made of it or of its services and contents will imply acceptance of the legal terms laid out in this text.
The Ministry reserves the right to make changes in the Web Portal without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete its contents or its design. Contents and services offered by the Web Portal are regularly updated. Since this information is not updated on a constant basis, we suggest that you always verify that the information, services and contents are current and accurate.
The terms and conditions of this Legal Notice may vary; therefore, we invite you to review these terms each time you revisit the Web Portal.
The information contained in this website comes from public sources. The Ministry is not responsible for damages resulting from the use made of the tools and information from the website regarding decision-making about initiation, development and outcome of administrative procedures. Such decisions must be verified by the competent bodies.
In any case, the information and contents of this website may not be quoted in trial proceedings with the Public Administration, the latter assuming no liability for any discrepancies that might arise between the printed version of the documents of the competent Administration and the electronic ones.
Both the Portal design and its source codes, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs belong to the Ministry or to its collaborating bodies and are protected under the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
The total or partial reproduction of the contents of the website is authorized as long as its public source is quoted. The Ministry states its respect for the intellectual property rights of third parties; therefore, if you believe this site could be violating your rights, please contact the Ministry.
The Ministry provides access to other websites, with the purpose of making easier the search for resources through the internet. However, these pages do not belong to the Ministry, nor does it review its contents. Therefore, the Ministry cannot be held responsible for the functioning of the linked page or of the possible damages that may arise from the access or use of it.
In accordance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data), it is reported that personal data, provided through the forms offered In the portals of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy and their associated electronic offices, they will be treated in accordance with the regulations in force for each Treatment Activity whose characteristics are included in accordance with article 30 of the Regulation itself in the Register of Treatment Activities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy.
The legitimacy of the treatment may be based on the consent of the interested persons and / or compliance with a legal obligation, or any of the other causes assessed in article 6 of the General Regulation of Protection of Personal Data. The Ministry of Labour and Social Economy undertakes to keep the maximum reserve and confidentiality about the information that is provided and to use it only for the purposes established for each treatment.
The data will be collected through the corresponding forms, which will only contain the essential fields for the processing of the benefits or services that are requested, and will be kept for the time necessary to attend the services, based on current legislation, regarding the prescription of responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the interested party to update their own data; The Ministry of Labour and Social Economy will not be responsible for its inaccuracy if the changes that may have occurred are not communicated.
You may exercise, under the terms established in the Regulation itself, your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability of data, and those of limitation and opposition to treatments, as well as not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing of your data including profiling before the body responsible for processing.
In the case of not knowing the body responsible for the treatment, they may contact the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, at Paseo de la Castellana, 63, 28071 Madrid or by email