Journal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy

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All issues of the Journal can be accessed by clicking this link to our online bookshop

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The Department’s publications are available through the Online Bookshop.

The Journal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy can be obtained from the Online Bookshop, either electronically or on paper.

  • Paper format:

    It can be purchased after payment by credit/debit card or bank transfer to the following BBVA c/c account: ES75-0182-4828-6702-0001-3172, for its sale price to the general public, plus postage. It can also be purchased from the MITES bookshop.

  • Electronic formats (PDF and EPUB):
    • The PDF version can be downloaded free of charge, except for the two most-recent issues published, which will cost 5€ + VAT, to be paid by bank card. Whenever a new issue is published and appears in the Online Bookshop, the three most-recent issue can be automatically downloaded free of charge.
    • The EPUB version will also be available on payment by bank card, for 5€ + VAT. All the issues of the Journal are available in this format as from Num. 108.

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