Ministry of Labour and Social EconomyNature of the National Advisory Commission for Collective Agreements. Ministry of Labour and Social Economy

Nature of the National Advisory Commission for Collective Agreements

The National Advisory Commission for Collective Agreements (CCNCC) is a collegiate, tripartite body, in which the General State Administration and the most representative trade union organisations and business associations are represented, acting autonomously in their functions, although, from the organic point of view, it is attached to the General Directorate of Labour, of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, in accordance with Royal Decree 499/2020, of 28 April (Official State Gazette of 1 May 2020), which develops the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, and amends Royal Decree 1052/2015, of 20 November, which establishes the structure of the Departments of Employment and Social Security abroad and regulates their organisation, functions and provision of jobs.

The CCNCC can function in a plenary session and as a Permanent Commission. Ordinarily, the Commission functions as a Permanent Commission, although the Permanent Commission itself may reserve the approval of certain opinions, reports and decisions to the Plenary Session.

The Plenary Session is made up of the President and all the members representing the General State Administration and the most representative business and trade union organisations, as well as its Secretary. The current President, Mr Jesús Cruz Villalón, was appointed by the Minister of Labour, Migrations and Social Security (Official State Gazette of 20 November 2018), after consulting the most representative business and union organisations, among professionals of recognised prestige in the field of labour relations.

The tripartite composition of this Commission translates into the integration within it of six representatives of the General State Administration, six of the most representative trade union organisations and six of the most representative business associations. For each representation group, an equal number of alternate members is designated to replace the regular members in the event of vacancy, illness or absence. An official attached to its administrative services acts as Secretary of the Commission.

The Permanent Commission is made up of the President of the Commission and two members of each of the three groups that constitute it, as well as its Secretary. The appointment of the members of the Commission corresponds to the Plenary Session of the same, at the binding proposal of each of the representation groups. Its composition responds to what was agreed upon in this regard at the Plenary Meeting 151, held on 14 October 2012, as well as at the Plenary Meeting 163, held on 7 October 2014.

The National Advisory Commission for Collective Agreements

C/Alberto Aguilera, 15 Dupl. 1º - 28015 Madrid

Tel.: 91 758 05 61 - Fax: 91 547 73 10


DIR3 Code: EA0041805

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