Brújula temática

Self-Employment Portal

Self-Employment Portal


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If you need information on self-employment associations, you can access the Self-employment Associations section of the Portal.

If you need information on grants and subsidies, you can access the section of the Grants and Subsidies Portal.

If you need information on grants and subsidies for self-employed entities, you can access the section of the Portal on Grants and Subsidies for entities.

You can make your enquiry directly at the Tax Agency.

If you need information on digitisation, you can access Digitalización.

If you need information about ENDITA, you can access ENDITA Portal section.

If you need information on financing, you can access the Financing Portal section.

If you need information on training, you can access the Training Portal section.

If you need information on women and self-employment, you can access the Women and Self-employment section of the Portal.

If you need information on regulations, you can access the Regulations Portal section.

If you need information on quota payments, you can access section the Quotas and Taxes of the Portal.

If you have already consulted the information available on the Portal and have not found what you were looking for, you can make your query directly to Social Security.

If you need information on tax payments, you can access the Quotas and Taxes section of the Portal.

If you have already consulted the information available on the Portal and have not found what you were looking for, you can make your query directly to the Tax Agency.

o If you need information on benefits, you can access the section of the Portal on Benefits, reductions and allowances.

o If you have already consulted the information available on the Portal and have not found what you were looking for, you can make your query directly to Social Security.

If you need information on occupational risk prevention, you can access the section of the Occupational Risk Prevention Portal.

If you need information on support networks, you can access the Support Networks section of the Portal.

o If you need information on the State Register of Professional Associations of Self-Employed Persons, you can access the section of the State Register of Professional Associations of Self-Employed Persons (REAPTA).

o If you need information on the regional registers of self-employed workers' associations, you can access the section of the Portal on regional registers of self-employed workers' associations.

If you need information on Social Security procedures, you can access the section of the Portal on Registration, Withdrawal and others.

If you have already consulted the information available on the Portal and have not found what you were looking for, you can make your enquiry directly to Social Security.

If you need information on procedures with the Tax Authorities, you can access the section of the Portal on Registration, Withdrawal and others.

If you have already consulted the information available on the Portal and have not found what you were looking for, you can make your query directly to the Tax Agency.